Okay, so the crepes were so good but not only do they taste good, they must sound good too because I've had a few requests for the recipe. So here it is. I'm including 3 different measurements with each ingredient because you've got to triple or quadruple it if you're making for more than 2-3 people. So the triple is in ( ) and the quadruple is [ ]. Does that totally confuse you?

Basic Crepe Batter
4 eggs (12) [16]
1/4 teaspoon salt (1/2) [1/2]
3 Tablespoons oil (9) [12 or 3/4 cup]
1/2 cup plus 2Tablespoons water (2) [2-1/2]
3/4 flour (2-1/4) [3]
Beat eggs with whisk. Add the rest and mix well. Let batter "rest" 1-2 hours before serving.

for 1 crepe, use 1/4 cup of batter. I pour the batter into the pan with one hand while the other hand twirls the pan around so the batter will coat the pan. Usually the first one you make is horrible, but then you get the knack after a few.
To prepare ahead, stack between wax paper and freeze.
Pictures courtesy of Jessie Ursenbach from a crepe morning last year.