Highlights of this past week (or not so highlights) include:
3. This was my last week at Kids Are Special Jr. Kindergarten. Sad, but it had to happen sometime! Unfortunately for me, it happened sooner than later, but more on that next. The kids made a list this week of their guesses as to what sex the baby would be, and what we should name the baby. We had names ranging from "Sweetie" (cute, huh?) to "Tina" to "Princess Annalese". A few of the children thought that their own name was the best, so we got some Calebs and Davons and Connors, etc. I will miss these kids!
4. I had another kidney attack. This time it wasn't a gradual thing - it literally attacked out of nowhere. Stabbing, completely dibilitating kidney pain. Lucky for me it didn't last as long as it did the last time. We (actually, my afore mentioned wonderful Mother) rushed to the hospital and they put me on the monitors to check baby, and in about an hour and a half the pain had subsided considerably. Our midwife suggested we go to Calgary, but when we left High River Hospital, I felt like the pain was going away and we didn't want to spend another night and day waiting around for tests at the Rockyview. So, I stayed home to rest and we went to our pre-scheduled ultrasound on Wednesday morning. Now, there's some prestory to this ultrasound. It wasn't just kidneys that they would be checking. At my last appointment, TWO midwives were stumped by a big lump in my belly that apparently wasn't a discernable baby part. I am also measuring small, so they wanted to check if there was a growth that was taking away from baby. Well, I was very worried. But I know the Lord watches over us and answers prayers (thanks for all your prayers). If there was a lump there, there's not one now! The ultrasound showed baby as happy as a peach. Babe is moving a lot and gets herself into some strange positions, so they think that the way baby is sitting has stretched my uterus into some strange shapes. The spot that was in question turns out to be baby's bum stretching out. Andy was funny, saying that our baby might be born without a bum since everyone's been praying for the lump to go away.
We're so glad that baby is okay. We only have to worry about kidney pain, because they found a small stone in the left kidney, and quite some fluid in the right kidney. It's funny because all this time I've been having a lot of pain in the right one, and the left one never gave me any pain until Monday. So... still a lot of kidney pain, but it's manageable. I've been drinking a tonne of fresh lemon and water and have cut back on many things that may aggravate kidney stones. These things include animal products: meat, milk, dairy, fish, etc. And sugars (which I wasn't having much of in the first place). But now I'm stumped as to what I should eat. Last night I made a really yummy minestrone soup and a roasted red pepper hummus, but I can't just eat beans for the next few weeks! Any suggestions? Please!
5. My good friend Rebecca Smart had her baby 5 weeks early by emergency C-section a week ago Friday. At first things seemed to be going well (at least he was a relatively healthy birth weight of 6.1 lbs), but her baby, Sean, had a few seizures and now has some blood pooled in his brain. After a week in ICU, he seems to be doing better - a few minor seizures, but he is able to breathe on his own and has been able to cut back on some of the tubes and monitors he was hooked up to. They are hoping that if he can feed on his own, the blood will dissapate and he should be able to go home with his parents. The doctors are optimistic, which sounds good. He is in our prayers.
6. This afternoon, Andy and I attended a gorgeous a capella choral concert in High River. My good friend Candia sings in the Spiritus Chamber Choir, who happened to be performing in High River today. What a treat to hear a professional choir like this one! They were BEAUTIFUL!
So, exciting week say the least. I have one more week of teaching piano, with the student recital this Friday, so anytime after that the baby can come! (We hope!) I'm still trying to putz around, doing cleaning and setting up for baby, but in all the essentials we are ready.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. It means so much to us at this time!
You sure have had a busy few weeks or week! I'm glad the lump has gone away!! What a blessing. I love that you are going to do a water birth - I wanted one with this last pregnancy but didn't do it. As for the fabrics, I got them at the Fabric Addict in Lethbridge. I know there is a place in Calgary that sells these fabrics too. It's by the Winners off of Heritage & McLeod (in that same strip mall as Winners). Some of the patterns I got off different blogs, but the big quilt one is a Denyse Schmidt pattern (I bought her book) and the diaper & wipes pattern I borrowed from a friend. Wow, this is a novel... but good luck with everything! I'm thinkin' of ya & hope it all goes well (and it will)
ReplyDeleteOh wow Kaly - so much "excitement"! I pray that the Lord will keep you and babe safe and sound, giving you a wonderful and relatively quick delivery. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your little miracle!
ReplyDelete(oh and that bag your mom made rocks!)
ReplyDeleteKaly you surely have expanded since I saw you last. I guess it was a month ago...! So, how are you going to empty the pool?
ReplyDeleteFunny question. The midwives bring a sump pump with them and empty it into the toilet with the garden hose.
ReplyDeleteYou look great.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful bag your mom made, she's amazing. Love the fabric.
Sorry you are having some pains in your kidneys, not too long and all that will be over.
I'll keep your friends and you in my prayers.
Lastly, I'm so excited for you that you have decided to have a home birth. Good for you. You will not regret it for a second. If you want to get together and have a tea sometime to chat about my experiences with home birthing (both good) I'd be thrilled to do so.
Kaly! That is one AWESOME diaper bag!! I LOVE the fabric!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously great diaper bag!!!! I'm glad that everything looked great on the ultrasound. Good luck with your home birth, I would love to do that too with the next one!
ReplyDeleteI had Keiran a week early so I'm going to send you some good labour vibes. I can't wait to see pictures of your new little baby!!!